Monday, December 31, 2012

Meet the Crew

Varonis Falls

The lives of six teens is dramatically altered when they prove to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The town of Varonis, Massachusetts is small, quiet, and boring, at least the teens there would say so. That is until the night of September 9th. A seemingly innocent shooting star ends up being a spaceship that has crashed into earth.

When the six people closest to the crash go to investigate it, their lives are changes forever. At the crash site, they are surprised to see two ships and not one as it appeared to be. It is here that they meet, Colos. an alien from the 10th moon of Terjsji. He is in very bad shape after the crash, and needs to be brought to a nearby factory where he can somewhat heal himself with the help of an aquarium. 

Colos warns the teens that their town, and their world is in great danger. Pohk, an evil tyrant who is also from his planet, has stolen and placed a dark magic on ten magical belts from their government. He has plans of using the belts to create his own personal army. Pohk wants to take over not just the world, but the galaxy as well. Colos says that when they crashed on earth, he was able to retrieve and purify six of the ten belts, and he will need help protecting them. 

He needs the teens to wear them. 

He says that with these belts, they will be able to protect their town from Pohk and the evil that he is sure to summon.

In the end, the teens agree to wear the belts. Some immediately, and some reluctantly.

As Pohk's plan to takeover the world starts to take root in Varonis, these reluctant friends, and even more reluctant heroes must work together against all odds. For the responsibility of protecting their town, and the earth, is now in their hands.

Mandy Barnes, Charles T. Sumner High schools resident gossip blogger. Audra Sumat, the loner orphan. Ren Scaffington, the high schools head cheerleader and debate captain. Anton McRudy, the towns most infamous skateboarding rebel. Forrest Hills, the track star and his best friend Gregory Gertrude, the average joe.

Full Name - Alias : Abilities
Anton McRudy - Mumble : Psychometry and Super Stretching 

Audra Sumat - Clover : Precognition and Pyrotechnic Blasts

Forrest Hills - Atom : Cyberpathy and Super Speed 

Gregory Gertrude - G-Shock : Astral Projection and Electrokinesis

Mandy Barnes - Everlark : Empathy and Botanopathy

Ren Scaffington - Megalith : Flight and Force Fields

A Day in the Life!

Here are all of my heroes, in their 'everyday' wear.
I'll attempt to finish all of their uniforms tomorrow :) 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Varonis Falls: Female Sneek Peak!

Here are two of the four main female charcaters in "Varonis Falls".
Meet Mandy Barnes and Audra Sumat.

Creating A Hero!

1. Sketch
During the sketch phase I was looking for a compelling design for the character that was both a fun design and useful for his tools and abilities!
2. Lines
Here is where I cleaned up his lines and fully fleshed out his design.
3. Flats
Just basic colors here!
Even though I secretly wanted these colors from the beginning, I made sure to play around with other color schemes. These colors just . . . stuck!
4. Shadows
Once you add the shading/shadows, it always seems like such a giant leap in the process. At least for me it does. I used a pale red for the shading. It just seemed more natural for him for some reason.
5. Alter-Ego
Every hero is somebody else when the costume isn't on. I made sure to explore that! 
Put it all together!
Here is his final character sheet!
One down, at least eight more to go!! wheeeeee!